Town Planners Registration Council of Nigeria - TOPREC

TOPREC, an acronym for the Town Planners Registration Council of Nigeria, stands as a beacon of professional excellence within the realm of physical planning. Established under Decree 3 of 1988, now known as the Town Planners (Registration, etc.) Act, CAP 431 LFN, 1990 and CAP T7 LFN, 2004, TOPREC holds a pivotal position as a statutory body mandated to regulate and oversee the practice of physical planning in Nigeria.

Our mission at TOPREC is to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct within the field of physical planning, ensuring the orderly and sustainable development of our nation's urban and rural spaces.

A Registered Town Planner, duly accredited by TOPREC, earns the privilege to append the designation 'Registered Town Planner' or RTP to their name. This designation signifies adherence to rigorous standards of competence and ethical practice within the realm of physical planning.

TOPREC provides essential services to both professionals and institutions within the field of physical planning, including:

* Maintenance of the Register of Town Planners, comprising individuals authorized to practice the profession in Nigeria.
* Compilation of the Register of Approved Planning Firms in Nigeria, ensuring transparency and reliability in professional engagements.
* Approval and oversight of training institutions through the dissemination of an Approved Syllabus for Training Institutions, fostering the development of future generations of physical planners.

The registration of a Town Planner with TOPREC is affirmed through:

* Issuance of a Certificate of Registration, bearing the year of registration, serial number, and unique registration number, jointly signed by the President and the Registrar.
* Publication of the names of Registered Town Planners in reputable national gazettes and at least two widely circulated National Dailies.
* Annual publication of the Register of Town Planners by the Council, providing stakeholders with transparent access to accredited professionals within the field.
At TOPREC, we are committed to promoting excellence and integrity in physical planning, thereby contributing to the sustainable development and prosperity of Nigeria.

Get In Touch

Contact us by phone or fill out the form below, and we will get in touch with you. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24-48 hours on business days.